It is June 2020 and usually at this time of year myself and my dogs would have competed in quite a few dog dancing, obedience and rally shows but here we are, like you, still in semi-lockdown and it doesn't look as if any major events will be taking place this year at all.
I did go to Crufts this year and spent all four days there shopping and organising the dog dancing competitions. It was great fun and I highly recommend anyone who has not yet attended this show that they put it in their calendar for March 2021. It is held at the NEC in Birmingham and is packed with every type of dog food, accessory, bed, collar and lead you can imagine. There is good shopping for us humans too not to mention the hours of demonstrations, displays and advice to take in. It truly is a dog persons paradise, but more on that show later.
For now, I am at home but instead of counting the days; I am determined to make the days count. Apart from starting this blogsite I am reviewing the dogs training; brushing up on my learning; teaching the Boys new and exciting dog dance moves and planning and preparing for when we can hit the show ring again in 2021.
If, in the meantime, if any events can take place with permission from the Government, such Edition Dog Live at the end of August then I for one will be there and will report back to you with the accuracy and honesty I always intend to bring to this site.
In the meantime folks, make this time count; enjoy the extra time with your dogs and family and let me know which events you are looking forward to getting back to in 2021.
Keep well and safe

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